News in the area of accreditation
Quality management requirements, the reliability of measurement results and changes in standards mean that we are continually developing. Therefore, we are constantly expanding our service portfolio for you.
Here you will always find the latest information and news in the field of accreditation of Testo Industrial Services as well as other exciting topics around calibration.
Innovations 2021
Juli 2021
Our new accreditation certificate is here. The extensions concern the thermodynamic, mechanical and dimensional measurands, both at the sites and on site and in our mobile calibration laboratories. The scope of our accreditation is unique in Germany. The annex to the certificate from the Kirchzarten site now comprises 142 pages with over 200 accredited calibration procedures for the permanent laboratory and over 100 calibration procedures for on-site and mobile. With the accreditation of the new humidity primary generator, we were able to confirm the smallest measurement uncertainties in Europe and can offer our customers the most accurate calibrations for dew point mirrors in the future.
A brief summary of the most important innovations for the laboratories:
Locations: Kirchzarten Dachau, Essen, Winsen, on-site and mobile
- Calibration of ceramic and tungsten carbide gauge blocks
- Calibration of snap gauges according to VDI/VDE/DGQ 2618 sheet 4.7
- Calibration of inductive and incremental linear encoders up to 100 mm
- Extension of accreditation in the calibration mobile analogue to our on-site accreditation
Location: Kirchzarten Primary laboratory Humidity
- Frost dew point
Measuring range -25°C ... 95°C
Uncertainty from 35 mK
- Relative humidity
Measuring range 2 % rH...98 % rH (3°C...98°C)
Uncertainty from 0.1 % rH
Location: Dachau
- Force up to 100 kN according to DKD-R 3-3
January 2021
The German Accreditation Body DAkkS will withdraw the guideline series DKD-R 4-3 with the issue status 09/2018 on 31.12.2021
With the foundation of the DAkkS in 2010, the content of the DKD-R 4-3 guideline series was transferred to a DAkkS-DKD-R 4-3 guideline series.
In 2018, with the reassignment of the copyright and rights of use of the DAkkS-DKD Guidelines to the DKD, this series of guidelines was renamed again as DKD-R 4-3.
In parallel, the VDI/VDE/DGQ 2618 series of guidelines was further updated and is now considered "state of the art". In terms of content, the DKD-R 4-3 guidelines do not differ from the VDI/VDE/DGQ 2618 guidelines. In order not to maintain two identical guideline series, it was decided to replace the guideline series DKD-R 4-3 by the guideline series VDI/VDE/DGQ 2618. The guideline DKD-R 4-3 sheet 18.1:2018 "Calibration of the metrological properties of coordinate measuring machines (CMM)" is excluded from this.
All accredited laboratories are affected by the changeover from DKD-R 4-3 to VDI/VDE/DGQ 2618.
Testo Industrial Services has also adapted the accredited procedure in the field of length measurement technology for you and will in future calibrate for the measured quantities length, diameter and thread according to the VDI guidelines VDI/VDE/DGQ/(DKD) 2618.
Innovations 2020
Although the DAkkS/DKD calibration certificate has been in circulation for over 40 years, its design, content and appearance have hardly changed in all these years. The appearance and design have a high recognition value, are established and have been reliably implemented by the accredited calibration laboratories in Germany. The strict requirements for form and content, especially of the first page of the calibration certificate, were provided by the DAkkS-DKD-5 Guidance on the Preparation of a Calibration Certificate, which is binding until 12 June 2019. In the course of the revision of the accreditation standard DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, the requirements for calibration certificates, which were partly based on national special regulations of the DKD or the DAkkS, had to be revised.
The specifications of international organisations such as ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) or EA (European co-operation for Accreditation) by no means provide for a fixed layout for calibration certificates and calibration marks. Accordingly, the DAkkS-DKD-5 had to be withdrawn and was replaced by the 71 SD 0 025 "Presentation of Calibration Results and the Use of the DAkkS Calibration Mark" document. This document presents requirements and notes on the layout of a sample calibration certificate, which, however, only have a recommendatory character and are not mandatory.
In the future, this may lead to the fact that the accredited calibration certificates of different service providers differ and thus make the comparability among each other more difficult. But why change something that has stood the test of time? Therefore, we have decided that the previous layout at Testo Industrial Services will be adopted to a large extent. Thus, changes only occur where additional and valuable information can be gained for you. The following overview summarizes the new features of the calibration certificate (DAkkS) of Testo Industrial Services for you.

Our know-how summarised for you:
In our Knowledge Centre you will find helpful know-how from our experts on accreditation and certification or dive into an interesting technical article on the subject of conformity assessment.